Insurance Snackable Videos

image of silhouetted house, people and car and an insurance agent

Insurance Videos from AAA

Coverage you need from a name you trust


Home Insurance Videos

cartoon image of house with two trees, a bike outside and clouds overhead

Dwelling Coverage

cartoon image of a house inside a fence, with a pool, playground and some trees

Other Structures Coverage

cartoon image of TV, dress, bike, laptop and lamp displayed in a conveyer belt fashion

Personal Property Coverage

cartoon image of a house on fire next to a hotel

Loss of Use Coverage

cartoon image of man throwing basketball and breaking neighbor's window

Personal Liability Coverage

cartoon image of burglar stealing a TV from a rental

Renters Coverage


Auto/Other Insurance Videos

cartoon image of vehicle collided with mailbox

Collision Coverage

cartoon image of two vehicles collided as sheep are crossing the road

Liability Coverage

cartoon image of potted plant that fell on vehicle

Comprehensive Coverage

cartoon image of two vehicles collided as a hit-and-run

Motorist Coverage

cartoon image of person being wheeled into a hospital

Medical Coverage

cartoon image of house and car surrounded by a protective bubble together

Personal Umbrella Policy