Gas Prices

gas prices

Gas Prices & Information

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AAA Fuel Price Finder

Use the AAA Fuel Price Finder to search by city/state or zip code, or
simply enter a zip code below to compare gas prices.

Calculate trip gas cost

Calculate Gas Cost

Calculate the amount and cost of gasoline for your next trip using the most current prices from AAA’s daily online Fuel Gauge Report.

The AAA Gas Watcher's Guide

Gas Watcher's Guide

Get tips on how to conserve fuel, save money, and protect the environment and save money by improving your gas mileage and fuel efficiency.

Calculate Your Annual Driving Costs

Annual Driving Costs

Find out how much it costs to own and operate your vehicle each year, including a customizable worksheet.

Fuel Gauge Report

Fuel Gauge Report

The Fuel Gauge Report is updated daily by Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) with average national, state and local prices for gasoline, diesel and E-85. Every day, up to 100,000 stations are surveyed in cooperation with Wright Express for unmatched statistical reliability.